Friday, August 19, 2011

The Mrs.

I am officially a "MRS".

It's been almost two weeks and i don't feel any bit different, i guess i allready felt like we were married. We've been living together for a few years & we knew we were in it for keeps.

If you're married, did you feel different at all after the wedding?

I'm very ready to relax and focus on things other than wedding planning.

Ready for baking and possibly even cooking dinner once in a while.

Ready to settle into our new official family.

Squirrell has a real daddy now!!


My initials are GG, don't make fun! hehe


Noodles and Waffles said...


I didn't feel any different either but it is nice.

My initials never changed. Sort of a let down. I like GG.

P.S. Your dress was beautiful.

Busy Bee Suz said...

I don't think I felt any different either...but I did love the feeling of being married. I still do....20 years later.
You are a beautiful bride.
GG?? Snicker snicker. I am SS.

Unknown said...

Aw, a belated congrats! I've been married for a year now (Aug. 6) and it doesn't really feel that different. It's just more comforting now, knowing we're in it forever and we can't just "break up". Not that we were going to - our relationship is pretty amazing! Congrats again!

becca said...

happy marriage, gina!

that's so great :)

Desirée said...

Congrats!! You look beautiful -- many happy wishes <3

Anonymous said...

Oh GOd I just read this, I'm sorry I'm so late!!! I'm sure you will be both very very happy!!

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Tanya said...

Beautiful post! The bride looks beautiful.