Thursday, November 11, 2010

What's Up Your Sleeve?

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
- C. S. Lewis

Is there something you really, really wanna do but you're kinda scared?
How bout you just do it; seriously, get up right now and do it!
If it's a very BIG dream or goal, why not take one teeny tiny step in that direction?
Make a list, put notes on your mirrors or on your fridge.
Do it.
You will feel FABULESS.

Photobucket fina


Erika Lee @ A Tiny Rocket said...

Yes you are never too old.. to take the jump and start something new. :)

Diana Mieczan said...

That is beautiful and so true...Thanks for the amazing inspiration,sweetie

Btw: hahah...thank you for your sweet comments..Because of my mom I use many British words...Fancy is one of my favourites too:)

Hugs and kisses,sweetie

Signe said...

Great inspiration and very true!


BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

How did you know? I'm teetering right now!

k said...

you are inspiring :)

Anonymous said...

I don't get scared easily, and I'm very impulsive,so when I want to do something I do it the very moment I'm thinking about it. Don't make me think about how many mistakes I have made because of my impulsivness. But when I get scared, you know what I do. The All Blacks dance!! Yes. I challenge the Gods and stick my tong out while I open my eyes wide. It always works. Will you still speak to me?

becca said...


So hopeful :)

Claudz said...

Why have I not been to your blog for so long?

Perfect timing on your post. I'm off to find a new career!! :) You're an inspiration!