Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I just KNEW that it's totally normal to talk to my cats!

I receive "Cat Age" tips from the folks at RealAge; this popped up in my inbox this morning:

Converse with Your Cat
By CatAge Staff

Talking to your cat can help show affection, control behavioral issues, and improve your relationship with your pet.
Even though you don't speak the same language, your cat can understand much of your tone of voice and body language. From single-word commands to animated speech, an upbeat intonation can help socialize, soothe, or sweet-talk your cat into becoming a better pet.

I am such a GOOD pet owner!


Julia said...

I speak to my cats all the time! And now that I don't live with them, I talk to them over Skype....

Stacey said...

Being as i'm a gog owner, i would insert the word dog where the word cat is and then this would be perfect for me too!:-). Anyway, i'm always talking to my dog...

Stacey said...

gog should be dog:-)

Jess said...

Haha glad I'm not crazy. My boyfriend put the phone by the cats ear the other day so that she could hear me talk lol!

k said...

aahahaha, oh, the internet!

Diana Mieczan said...

I love cats but I have two dogs...I love this post:)